Elderly Training

Regain your strength, mobility and agility through resistance and functional training

We believe that regardless of age, our quality of life should not be compromised. There are many different tiers and methods in fitness training, hence fitness is for everyone! We understand that for elderly the goal is hardly aesthetic based, hence our programme involves stimulating neural pathways that have not been activated for a while. You will be able to regain your strength, mobility and agility that you once had through resistance and functional training. Your quality of life will improve and trust us, you will feel much better about yourself and even be an inspiration to others.

We have clients who came to us with a walking stick, but now they are able to climb up the stairs without any aid and some are able to jump now. Anything is possible as long as the heart and mind is willing!

P.S. our oldest client is actually 84 years old.

Client Feature


From being reliant on a walking stick, Margaret is now able to walk without any assistance. She’s now even able . . .

Dr Anamah Tan

Dr Anamah is the epitome of resilience and endurance. As one of our eldest clients, she does not feel intimidated . . .


Linda used to struggle with getting out of bed and can only go down the stairs with both feet one . . .


Meet Janice! A mother of 2 with the aim of getting stronger and fitter. When she initially started, she was . . .

Book PT Trial

Step 1 - Choose Your Preferred Location
21A Keong Saik Road, S089128
Outram Park
82 Boat Quay, #03-01, S049870
Clarke Quay
Raffles Place
City Hall


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Book PT Trial

Let's get to know you

Our trainer will spend some time to get to know you better in terms of exercise history, injuries, goals and diet before customising a programme and taking you through the workout segment. Each trial session will take about 1.5hrs.

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Book PT Trial

Let's get to know you

Our trainer will spend some time to get to know you better in terms of exercise history, injuries, goals and diet before customising a programme and taking you through the workout segment. Each trial session will take about 1.5hrs.

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