Unlock this special perk only for FITLUCFam!
Enjoy an exclusive list of benefits & discounts at our partner eateries and online stores.
Already a FITLUCFam Member?
Log in to find the details & redeem your deals!

Neighbourhood Perks

KēSa House

Enjoy 10% off your stay!

Tong Ah Eating House

10% OFF with minimum spend of $50

HAO mart

5% OFF Total Bill.

Killiney Keong Saik

10% OFF total bill with minimum spend of $6

Wine & Chef

Enjoy 10% off your total bill at Wine & Chef

Tailor Couture

5% off made-to-measure suits

Partner Perks

Australian Fitness Academy

Additional $100 OFF Certified Personal Trainer Course

WhatIF Foods

Enjoy 40% off your first purchase


Enjoy 10% off their meeting rooms and social spaces rental at any lyf properties in Singapore

The Clean Addicts

20% Off their Clean Treats. Except cookies & carrot cake.

Thomson Medical

Our friendly Fitluc team will be able to share more about the available perks! Reach out to us today!


Exclusive 5% off Theragun (Pros, Prime & Mini models) for our FITLUCFam Members.


58% OFF MyProtein items sitewide for FITLUCFam Members.

Book PT Trial

Step 1 - Choose Your Preferred Location
21A Keong Saik Road, S089128
Outram Park
82 Boat Quay, #03-01, S049870
Clarke Quay
Raffles Place
City Hall

Login with
Your Mindbody Account


Book PT Trial

Let's get to know you

Our trainer will spend some time to get to know you better in terms of exercise history, injuries, goals and diet before customising a programme and taking you through the workout segment. Each trial session will take about 1.5hrs.

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Please ensure that you have clicked on "Create Profile" button above before proceeding to Step 3 below.

Book PT Trial

Let's get to know you

Our trainer will spend some time to get to know you better in terms of exercise history, injuries, goals and diet before customising a programme and taking you through the workout segment. Each trial session will take about 1.5hrs.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Please ensure that you have clicked on "Create Profile" button above before proceeding to Step 3 below.