How to Maintain a Balanced Diet: FITLUC Healthy Plate

It is important for all of us, no matter our fitness goals, to get a good balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) from our food to keep ourselves healthy. One way to do that is to make sure we have all the food groups on every plate of food that we eat. This is a lot harder than it sounds, with all the different food choices available. I’ve come up with a little formula you can easily follow and remember. It’s called the FITLUC Healthy Plate, and you’ll see it pop up a lot in upcoming recipe posts.

So as you can see from this diagram, there should be 3 elements in your healthy plate!


1. Protein

Brunch plate with eggs and smoked salmon
Protein is super important because it helps you feel full. Protein is also essential for muscle recovery and muscle gain. While meat and fish remains the best and most complete source of protein, there are plenty of plant-based protein sources. Beans, nuts and legumes are great sources of plant-based protein. How much protein depends on age, gender and activity level, but generally you want to aim for at least a palm size of protein.Here is one example of a generous portion of protein: This brunch plate here is my lunch today and the protein is two eggs (with homemade tomato ketchup for flavor) and 100 grams of smoked salmon.


2. Vegetables and Fruits

You want to be having lots and lots of fruits and vegetables, even if you are bulking and trying to be in a caloric surplus. Most fruits and vegetables are incredible sources of vitamins and antioxidants, which have lots of great health benefits. Vegetables are mostly water and fiber as well, which means they are incredibly low-calorie while being really filling. Their wide variety, numerous ways of preparation and sweet taste means you’ll definitely find a vegetable or fruit out there that you like. As a general rule, I try to have 4 – 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

This is a dinner plate and I made oven-roasted bell pepper and broccoli. I chopped up the vegetables into bite-sized pieces and put them in an oven on high, with a sprinkle of olive oil, salt and pepper. The natural sugars in the vegetables caramelize, and results in those brown crusty bits which are so delicious.





3. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are often demonized in diets. The reality is that carbs are super important for everyday function. They’re the most accessible source of energy for our brains, which unlike our muscles, cannot utilize fats or protein for energy. Without carbs, we feel sluggish, tired and we tend not to perform as well during workouts.

There are a wide variety of carbs, but my personal favorite out there has got to be bread. I always end up choosing bread over any other carb. But there are plenty of options too; rice, pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, the list goes on!


This is a dinner plate I assembled with sirloin steak and bread. I have the tiniest bit of garlic and herb butter on the bread, for an extra touch of flavor.

Do remember that the method of cooking each element in the healthy plate affects the nutritional content as well. For example, a big handful of french fries does count as a carb, but they are also a significant source of saturated fat, excess sodium and other unhealthy chemicals you don’t want in your body. Some heathier cooking methods include steaming, sous vibe etc.



And this can apply to foods which you can get outside as well! Here are some examples of dishes bought outside which follow the FITLUC Healthy Plate Formula:



Tomato in Eggs Relish from One Man


Protein: Eggs

Vegetable and Fruit: Tomato Stew

Carb: Toasted bread




The Good Boys Café

Protein: Poached Egg and Salmon

Vegetable and Fruit: Raw carrots, seaweed salad, edamame beans

Carb: Soba noodles





Bakery Sandwich from Woodlands Sourdough

Protein: Egg Omelette// Vegetable and

Fruit: Lettuce and Caramelized onion//

Carb: Sourdough bun



Remember, eating healthy starts with being aware of what you are putting into your body. Keep this blogpost bookmarked, so you’ll always remember to balance all the food groups in your meals. If you need help figuring out your nutrition for your fitness goals, book a trial with me so I can help you #GetThatFitLook!

Just a heads-up, it will probably be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.


Looking for a Personal Trainer in Singapore? Look no further! At FITLUC, we specialize in In-Person and Online Personal Training, and we also offer house-call PT with a small additional fee. We currently base our Personal Training clients at a well-equipped gym just a stone’s throw away from Outram Park MRT. We have also just opened our second outlet at 82 Boat Quay, which is located right in the heart of CBD!

We are recognized as one of the Top 12 Best PT in Singapore and were featured on Mothership, The Straits Times, YES 93.3FM, Yahoo News, etc. Our Personal Trainers have worked with clients aged 13 – 84, from Celebrities to CEOs, working professionals and homemakers, with goals ranging from fat loss, weight loss, muscle gain to athletic performance and elderly training. Our celebrity clientele includes Tay Ping Hui, Maxi Lim, Hazelle Teo, Tayying, Lee Teng, Ze Tong, Benjamin Tan, Jaspers Lai and more.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on our client stories and for more fitness tips from our Personal Trainers!

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