FITLUC Feature with Adrian Abraham on Money FM 89.3

FITLUC is very honored for the opportunity to be interviewed and featured on radio station MoneyFM 89.3 12 to 1 with Adrian Abraham Podcast. Check out the podcast below as our founder, Lucas Lim, shares how FITLUC’s formula of personal training has helped many of our clients achieve their fitness goals, how to be effective in your workout, how to choose a good personal trainer in Singapore, as well as his goals and vision for FITLUC moving forward.

Adrian: It’s Money FM 89.3 and you’re on 12 to 1 with me Adrian Abraham. My next guest is Lucas Lim, he’s the owner of FITLUC, a personal training gym located right here in Singapore. Lucas, welcome to Money FM, how are you?

Lucas: Hello hello everybody! I’m good I’m good, I’m very happy to be on board. Thanks, Adrian, for inviting.

Adrian: Lucas, tell me a little bit about FITLUC and why you started this business?

Lucas: Essentially, fitness is my life. I’ve been training since young since I was 13 and over the years of like playing sports, studying Sports Science, and eventually coming out to be a trainer, I think the goal now is really to inspire people to be fit, inspire people to take fitness as a lifestyle.

Adrian: How far has your business come since you’ve opened it?

Lucas: I think it’s been great, personal training has always been something thought to be very niche, and only like the people who have money can do it, but I think now people are opening up to the idea that it is very important to have a personal trainer, especially when you’re hitting the gym, because there are so many foundations in training, whether it’s free weights, or the barbell, or dumbbells, whether it’s a plate-loaded machine, or basically boiling down to simple bodyweight exercises. There’s so many things to teach and I think people start to realise that it’s very good and very important to have that building block. And yeah, so it’s nice that we have clients from as young as 13, the parents send them in for youth training, or on the other extreme we have clients who are 84, on a walking stick and now she’s doing some jumping so I’m really happy for her.

Adrian: Yes, I remember that you were telling me that your gym caters to people of all ages. Because I’m just intrigued what sort of exercises do you do with someone who is 84?

Lucas: A little bit more about this client, she came in basically on a walking stick. So literally basic motor skills were very difficult for her. Things like moving on a levelled ground, definitely going up steps and just basically getting her balance right. So we do things like functional movements, teaching them how to really synchronise their bodies, how to swing their arms, how to have the confidence to keep your chest up and we track their shoulders and really just believe in themselves. So there’s a lot of those psychology involved for people who are older. You want to give them the believe that they can do it, we give simple stuff like step ups, light resistance bands, light dumbbells, basically we walk them through every single step along the way.

Adrian: And at the other end of the spectrum, you have someone as young as 13.

Lucas: Yes, so you know when you’re 13 you’re young, you’re full of energy and you just want to have fun. So, we don’t really do a lot of very complicated, complex movements with these young people. We teach them foundations, for sure, with their body weight in a very fun way.

Yeah, so let’s say for squats, instead of just doing very heavy barbell or dumbbell squats, we teach them simple body weight squats, with different variations of movement, we add in some duck walks, some crab walks, some simple tools such as hip circles, some plyometric movements, jumping, running on the spot, a lot of things that jumbled up together keeps the workout exciting yet effective.

Adrian: We’re in conversation with Lucas Lim. He’s the owner of FITLUC, a personal training gym. Lucas, for someone listening to this if they wanted to come and test out your gym and do a trial where can they find out a little bit more about this?

Lucas: Yeah for sure, you know, a trial is definitely a way to come experience personal training, for FITLUC, we can actually offer a trial at $50. So what basically we do is that the trainer that’s assigned will spend some time to get to know the client in terms of their exercise history, their injury, their diet, their goals and then customise on the spot and take them through the workout segment. So it’s a very comprehensive one-and-a-half hour session where we get to understand and assess the client and the client themselves can experience our service and our training. If our FITLUC formula of training and my trainers’ training style suits them, they can then decide to move forward with us.

Adrian: And what is the pricing strategy if someone wants to join full-time?

Lucas: Yeah, so every gym is very different. For us, we are a personal training exclusive gym. So, hence, we really value privacy and the exclusiveness in terms of the equipment and the training. So for us we do about a $120-160 per session, depending on the package and the trainer.

Adrian: Your gym is leading the way with celebrity personal training. How has this helped you to reach a broader range of people?

Lucas: I think it’s really very nice and I’m very very thankful to have so many celebrities in our FITLUC family and I think the goal hasn’t really changed, it is really to inspire people to be fit, regardless of age, occupations, injuries, and like really to just show everyone that everyone has their own journey to walk. Yeah, so I guess with friends who are celebrities, it’s easier to influence people, but yet we want to influence people the right way. We believe in leading by example, so everyone here, every celebrity that comes on board, to us they are like every other normal client, they train weekly, they grind hard, they’re consistent in terms of their training and their diet and most importantly they believe in the process. So isn’t it nice> I mean like people who come here, you train hard, you get to see celebrities too, so why not right?

Adrian: So Lucas your company opened in 2019, but the gym opened last year in December. How’s business been since its opening?

Lucas: Wow…It’s been quite a ride to be honest because when I opened in 2019, it was me and a small team. Few months into it, after I got some initiatives such as boot camps, fitness experiences going on…COVID hit. So we had pivot, we had to really pivot. We started to improvise to do a lot of online PT. Yeah, so me and my team of trainers we train clients, from our homes through Zoom or Skype and I think I’ve learned that the value of PT is actually much more emphasised in this process. Why? Because we learned that it’s really about the specific cues and instructions that we give that helps to value add the client. So we still can watch the clients through zoom, so it’s not too bad, if we want to spice things up we can play some nice background music and keep things exciting.

Adrian: And what does the future look like for FITLUC?

Lucas: Wow, I have plans, I plan to really try to change the fitness industry in Singapore. I think everyone is really mindful about their health and fitness. So that’s a very good thing. Yeah, but it’s aging population that we’re experiencing now. So as more and more older people open up to fitness, I think I would like to spread the notion that personal training is the way to go because everything is really under the watchful eye of a PT and that’s where, we can really customise programs, based on different individuals’ needs and when we get older we have more medical conditions…we have pain here and there and that’s when we need a very comprehensive approach towards healthy living. I hope to see more and more people take up personal training and get fitter together as a whole.

Adrian: Lucas, you seem like a fitness buff. What is your ideal cheat meal?

Lucas: Hahaha, wow that’s a very very good question. Ideal cheat meal…wow I guess it changes…it really changes. It used to be KFC, the fried crispy KFC, yeah but nowadays, I can’t really pinpoint the exact meal to be honest. Yeah. It’s like I love buffet, ok Japanese buffets are good, because I get to feast, get my sufficient protein intake. I love steak…but steak is kind of still healthy. I guess my tastes has changed over the years. So I’m really more mindful of what goes into my body now, yeah, anything is good.

Adrian: Yeah, of course. KFC sounds amazing, so does a buffet and we’ve been speaking with Lucas Lim. He’s the owner of FITLUC, a personal training gym. Lucas, thank you so much for joining me on Money FM.

Lucas: Thank you so much Adrian, appreciate it.

At FITLUC, we strive to provide you with personal trainers who are well equipped to help you achieve your personal fitness goals. So what are you waiting for? Drop us a WhatsApp message at +65 8812 0110 or book a personal training trial with one of our dedicated trainers at only SGD $50 to explore if personal training is the best choice for you!

Just a heads-up, it will probably be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.


Looking for a Personal Trainer in Singapore? Look no further! At FITLUC, we specialize in In-Person and Online Personal Training, and we also offer house-call PT with a small additional fee. We currently base our Personal Training clients at a well-equipped gym just a stone’s throw away from Outram Park MRT. We have also just opened our second outlet at 82 Boat Quay, which is located right in the heart of CBD!

We are recognized as one of the Top 12 Best PT in Singapore and were featured on Mothership, The Straits Times, YES 93.3FM, Yahoo News, etc. Our Personal Trainers have worked with clients aged 13 – 84, from Celebrities to CEOs, working professionals and homemakers, with goals ranging from fat loss, weight loss, muscle gain to athletic performance and elderly training. Our celebrity clientele includes Tay Ping Hui, Maxi Lim, Hazelle Teo, Tayying, Lee Teng, Ze Tong, Benjamin Tan, Jaspers Lai and more.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on our client stories and for more fitness tips from our Personal Trainers!

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