
Meet Lyvonne! Since signing up for personal training at FITLUC, she has been consistently training at least twice a week for the past 4 months. With workout programme planning by her personal trainer, Brandon, she has made tremendous progress and is now able to perform a 85kg barbell deadlift and 67.5kg barbell squats💪 She has also picked up running after encouragement from her PT and also started to meal prep as well. This has helped in her weight loss progress while at the same time making impressive strength gains!

Book PT Trial

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21A Keong Saik Road, S089128
Outram Park
82 Boat Quay, #03-01, S049870
Clarke Quay
Raffles Place
City Hall


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Book PT Trial

Let's get to know you

Our trainer will spend some time to get to know you better in terms of exercise history, injuries, goals and diet before customising a programme and taking you through the workout segment. Each trial session will take about 1.5hrs.

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Book PT Trial

Let's get to know you

Our trainer will spend some time to get to know you better in terms of exercise history, injuries, goals and diet before customising a programme and taking you through the workout segment. Each trial session will take about 1.5hrs.

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Please ensure that you have clicked on "Create Profile" button above before proceeding to Step 3 below.